J Grinstead - Journal of Child Language, 2021 - cambridge.org
Interface Delay is a theory of syntactic development, which attempts to explain an array of constructions that are slow to develop, which are characterized by being sensitive to …
There is evidence to suggest that finiteness marking on verbs and subject-auxiliary inversion are related phenomena in English. In contrast, in Spanish there is evidence consistent with …
The purpose of this study was to determine if grammatical case is acquired as a unified system or if it is acquired in a piecemeal fashion. Case is a property of sentences that codes …
Апстракт: Истраживања разумевања и продукције синтаксичких јединица код деце са развојним језичким поремећајем указују на присуство различитих дефицита. С …
CE Fitzgerald - Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2020 - ASHA
Purpose A variety of pediatric clinical populations have difficulty with the correct use of pronouns. The available clinical literature labels these errors in inconsistent terms leading to …
M Olausson, J Olsson, M Sterner - 2015 - lup.lub.lu.se
Litteraturen visar att elever med språkstörning uppvisar sämre resultat i skolan än elever med typisk utveckling, samt att måluppfyllelse inte gynnas av undervisningen i språkklass …