E Franke - Between Mumbai and Manila, 2013 - books.google.com
The transformations and dynamics of religions in different local and historical contexts are one of the main interests of the comparative study of religions. Particularly the position of …
R Ricci - Indonesia and the Malay World, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The first five articles in this special issue of Indonesia and the Malay World stem from papers given at a two-day international workshop on 'Jews in Indonesia: Perceptions and Histories' …
A Nursani, A Firmonasari - Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
This research aims to analyze how Jewish identity is constructed in the West and the East, as represented in the graphic novels Fagin the Jew by Will Eisner and The Last Jew in …
During the reigns of Ayyūbids and Mamluks, a group of Jews developed a distinct Jewish spiritual system. The aim of this endeavor was to initiate spiritual renewal. The notable …
L Kadiwal - DPhil, University of Susses, 2014 - sussex.figshare.com
Three questions command even greater attention today, as over forty countries, including many Muslim-majority states, unite against Daesh (the so-called 'Islamic State'): How do …