Euler diagrams have a wide variety of uses, from information visualization to logical reasoning. In all of their application areas, the ability to automatically layout Euler diagrams …
J Flower, A Fish, J Howse - Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2008 - Elsevier
Euler diagrams form the basis of many diagrammatic notations used to represent set theoretic relationships in a wide range of contexts including: file system information …
Euler diagrams are used for visualizing categorized data. These categories, together with information about when categories share some datum, can be turned into a succinct …
A Stockdill, D Raggi, M Jamnik, G Garcia Garcia… - … Conference on Theory …, 2021 - Springer
Choosing how to represent knowledge effectively is a long-standing open problem. Cognitive science has shed light on the taxonomisation of representational systems from the …
Euler diagrams have numerous application areas, with a large variety of languages based on them. In relation to software engineering, such areas encompass modelling and …
Euler diagrams are effective tools for visualizing set intersections. They have a large number of application areas ranging from statistical data analysis to software engineering. However …
A Fish, B Khazaei, C Roast - Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2011 - Elsevier
Euler diagrams are a diagrammatic system for representing and reasoning with set theoretic statements. Syntactic constraints called wellformedness conditions (WFCs) are often …
Many diagrammatic logics based on Euler diagrams have been defined with the aim of making precise reasoning easier for people. In such logics, it is unusual to find the negation …
M Urbas, M Jamnik, G Stapleton, J Flower - International Conference on …, 2012 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce Speedith which is a diagrammatic theorem prover for the language of spider diagrams. Spider diagrams are a well-known logic for which there is a …