In this paper, we provide a new semi-analytical approach, General Residual Power Series Method (GRPSM), to solve fractional differential equations (FDEs). This technique is simple …
For the first time, we establish a new procedure by using the conformable Shehu transform (CST) and an iteration method for solving fractional‐order Cauchy reaction‐diffusion …
In the present work the modified homotopy perturbation method (HPM), incorporating He's polynomial into the HPM, combined with the Fourier transform, is used to solve the nonlinear …
Complex and nonlinear fractal equations are ubiquitous in natural phenomena. This research employs the fractal Euler− Lagrange and semi-inverse methods to derive the …
The equation of magneto-hydrodynamic Jeffery-Hamel flow of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a stretching/shrinking convergent/divergent channel is derived and solved using a new …
Ion-acoustic (IA) solitary wave propagation is investigated by solving the fractional Schamel equation (FSE) in a homogenous system of unmagnetized plasma. This plasma consists of …
A hybrid of Fourier transform and new modified homotopy perturbation method based on the Adomian method is developed to solve linear and nonlinear partial differential equations …
The time fractional modified Korteweg-de Vries (TFMKdV) equation is solved to study the nonlinear propagation of small but finite amplitude dust ion-acoustic (DIA) solitary waves in …
Electronegative dusty plasma composed of Boltzmann electrons, Boltzmann negative ions, inertial positive ions and charge fluctuating dust has been considered. The fractional …