Broad-coverage biomedical relation extraction with SemRep

H Kilicoglu, G Rosemblat, M Fiszman, D Shin - BMC bioinformatics, 2020 - Springer
Background In the era of information overload, natural language processing (NLP)
techniques are increasingly needed to support advanced biomedical information …

On the use of parsing for named entity recognition

MA Alonso, C Gómez-Rodríguez, J Vilares - Applied sciences, 2021 -
Parsing is a core natural language processing technique that can be used to obtain the
structure underlying sentences in human languages. Named entity recognition (NER) is the …

Detecting miRNA mentions and relations in biomedical literature [version 3; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

S Bagewadi, T Bobić, M Hofmann-Apitius, J Fluck… - 2015 -
Introduction: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have demonstrated their potential as post-transcriptional
gene expression regulators, participating in a wide spectrum of regulatory events such as …

Method and system for network modeling to enlarge the search space of candidate genes for diseases

FE Dewey, EA Ashley - US Patent 10,347,359, 2019 - Google Patents
With the advent of low cost, high-throughput whole genome sequencing (“next generation
sequencing”), tools are available to assay human genetic variation contributing to inherited …

Biological event composition

H Kilicoglu, S Bergler - BMC bioinformatics, 2012 - Springer
Background In recent years, biological event extraction has emerged as a key natural
language processing task, aiming to address the information overload problem in accessing …