The fifth edition of Craig & de Búrca EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials provides clear and insightful analysis of all aspects of European Law in the post Lisbon era. Building on its …
Sovereignty and the sovereign state are often seen as anachronisms; Globalization and Sovereignty challenges this view. Jean L. Cohen analyses the new sovereignty regime …
This chapter examines the response of European courts—and in particular of the European Court of Justice (ECJ)—to the dramatic challenges to the UN Security Council's anti-terrorist …
Курс содержит системное изложение институтов международного права. Его основное назначение–служить учебным пособием для студентов, изучающих международное …
The last fifty years has seen a worldwide trend toward constitutional democracy. But can constitutionalism become truly global? Relying on historical examples of successfully …
This book explores how domestic courts contribute to the maintenance of the rule of international law by providing judicial control over the exercises of public powers that may …
Originally the constitution was expected to express and channel popular sovereignty. It was the work of freedom, springing from and facilitating collective self-determination. After the …
Court judgments are epitomes of sovereign rule in many grand theoretical sketches. How may such judicial power be justified nowadays? Many domestic courts decide in the name of …
This new edition provides a definitive, comprehensive and systematic analysis of the law governing the EU's action in the world. Updated to take into account the Lisbon Treaty and …