In finance, cluster analysis is a tool particularly useful for classifying stock market multivariate time series data related to daily returns, volatility daily stocks returns, commodity …
This study uses a combination of copulas and CoVaR to investigate risk spillovers from China to G7 countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using daily data on stock …
A novel procedure to perform fuzzy clustering of multivariate time series generated from different dependence models is proposed. Different amounts of dissimilarity between the …
G De Luca, P Zuccolotto - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021 - Elsevier
Time series clustering with a dissimilarity matrix based on tail dependence coefficients estimated by copula functions has been proposed in 2011 by De Luca and Zuccolotto, who …
This paper contributes to the existing literature on the analysis of spatial time series presenting a new clustering algorithm called COFUST, ie COpula-based FUzzy clustering …
A hurricane event can often produce both intense rainfall and a storm tide that can cause a major compound flooding threat to coastlines. This paper examined applications of …
Investigating thermal energy demand is crucial for developing sustainable cities and the efficient use of renewable sources. Despite the advances made in this field, the analysis of …
A theoretical framework is presented for a (copula-based) notion of dissimilarity between continuous random vectors and its main properties are studied. The proposed dissimilarity …
We present some known and novel aspects about bivariate copulas with prescribed diagonal section by highlighting their use in the description of the tail dependence …