J Schildgen - ER Forum/Posters/Demos, 2020 - ceur-ws.org
In computer science, game-based learning is an exciting and entertaining way to learn a programming language or coding fundamentals. MonstER Park is a game which applies this …
Abstract ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) adalah diagram yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan entitas, atribut, dan hubungan antar entitas dalam sebuah sistem. Salah …
Students in database courses often have difficulty learning entity–relationship (ER) modeling. According to semantic network theory, learning to construct an ER diagram for a …
With the increase of online learning, the importance of online systems that support continuous learning and provide immediate feedback has grown. Building database …
B Auria, V Barzola, V Echeverria - 2021 IEEE URUCON, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduces Diagramar, a collaborative design tool that supports teachers and students in the creation and monitoring of collaborative artifacts, such as Entity-Relationship …
La amputación de miembro superior es una discapacidad motiz que consiste en la extracción de una o ambas extremidades superiores de manera parcial o total. Por otro …