The esports market has been growing exponentially has been growing exponentially with much interest from industry and academia. Perhaps because of this growth, there is a lack of …
Rapid advances in AI technologies have caused teams to explore the use of AI agents as full, active members of the team. The complex environments that teams occupy require …
Recently, AI is integrating into teams to collaborate with humans as a teammate with the goal of achieving unprecedented team outcomes. Much of the coordination between …
A growing organizational trend is to utilize ad-hoc team formation which allows for teams to intentionally form based on the member skills required to accomplish a specific task. Due to …
The special issue on “Psychology of Esports: Breakdown under Pressure” represents a significant advancement in understanding the psychological aspects of competitive gaming …
Awareness, and specifically, spatial awareness, has long played a pivotal role in Computer- Supported Cooperative Work research in both theory and design. This significant …
Designing interactions for human-AI teams (HATs) can be challenging due to an AI agent's potential autonomy. Previous work suggests that higher autonomy does not always improve …
C Carrasco-Farré, N Hakobjanyan - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
This paper examines quantitative predictors of team performance in Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) based on team management literature. Analyzing data from more …
As AI becomes more advanced in natural language processing, the research on AI's communication in teaming environments is getting more attention in CSCW/HCI. Even …