L Clemente - arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05275, 2020 - arxiv.org
We study the computational complexity of universality and inclusion problems for unambiguous finite automata and context-free grammars. We observe that several such …
LSC de Sá, EVP Spreafico - PORANDU-Revista de Divulgação …, 2019 - periodicos.ufms.br
Funções geradoras são utilizadas como ferramenta na resolução de pro-blemas de matemática discreta. Uma de suas principais vantagens é a capacidade de transformar …
V Diekert, P Gastin, A Petit - UNIVERSIT AT STUTTGART FAKULT …, 1992 - researchgate.net
Mazurkiewicz de ned traces as an algebraic model of nite concurrent processes. In order to modelize non-terminating processes a good notion of in nite trace was needed, which nally …
I nite Traces, V Diekert, W Ebinger - researchgate.net
The workshop In nite Traces was held at T ubingen, Hotel Hospiz, from January 23 to 25, 1992. The idea to this workshop was born at the general ASMICS meeting at Menaggio. It is …