DS Hajdukovic - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012 - Springer
Recently, the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum was proposed as alternative to the dark matter paradigm. In the present paper we consider four benchmark …
DS Hajdukovic - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012 - Springer
The cosmological constant problem is the principal obstacle in the attempt to interpret dark energy as the quantum vacuum energy. We suggest that the obstacle can be removed, ie …
DS Hajdukovic - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2010 - Springer
This article is based on two hypotheses. The first one is the existence of the gravitational repulsion between particles and antiparticles. Consequently, virtual particle-antiparticle …
DS Hajdukovic - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2010 - Springer
We argue that the so-called “Pioneer Anomaly” is related to the quantum vacuum fluctuations. Our approach is based on the hypothesis of the gravitational repulsion between …
In this article we reconsider the old mysterious relation, advocated by Dirac and Weinberg, between the mass of the pion, the fundamental physical constants, and the Hubble …
According to Einstein “a physical theory should offer a picture of reality”. This made him frustrated and dissatisfied with the standard interpretation (or lack thereof) of quantum …
J Giné - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012 - Springer
Towards a quantum universe | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement SpringerLink Log in Menu Find a journal Publish with us Search Cart 1.Home 2.Astrophysics and Space …
We start with a summary of the theory of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum, which makes it possible to consider the quantum vacuum as a source of gravity in …
After decades of impotence to solve the frustrating series of problems revealed by astrophysics and cosmology and after recent debacle of theories beyond the Standard …