Abstract Utami RT, Zamani NP, Madduppa HH. 2018. Molecular identification, abundance and distribution of the coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota in Bengkulu and Seribu …
M RAMADHANIATY, I SETYOBUDIANDI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2018 - smujo.id
Abstract Ramadhaniaty M, Setyobudiandi I, Madduppa HH. 2018. Morphogenetic and population structure of two species marine bivalve (Ostreidae: Saccostrea cucullata and …
Indrayani I, Findra MN, Jufri A, Hidayat H, Pariakan A. 2021. Genetic variations of Cheilopogon nigricans in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 5: 22-28 …
Pemanfaatan perikanan secara lestari sangat diperlukan agar sumberdaya perikanan yang ada saat ini bisa terus dimanfaatkan dan juga dalam rangka pemulihan stok perikanan yang …
ED WARDANA, ING PUTRA, MD AL MALIK… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Wardana ED, Putra ING, Al Malik MD, Yusmalinda NLA, Ningsih EY, Pertiwi NPD, Salim MG, Kanedi MM, Putra MIH, Sembiring A. 2023. Population genetic structure of the bentfin devil …
NN Akbar, R Labenua - Depik, 2018 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Skipjack tuna is a migratory species that migrate globally throughout the ocean. The North Maluku Sea has a big potency on skipjack, this resource has been exploited intensively and …
K Fahlevy, S Khodijah, IA Nasrullah… - Aceh Journal of …, 2017 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
The coral reefs structure and composition are influenced by environmental condition and depth. Therefore, this study was conducted to find and examine the influence of depth …
The types of crabs that inhabit coastal and mangrove areas are violin crabs (Uca spp.). The research genetic aspects is important to be able to explain the current status of crabs. The …
Riset dan inovasi pada ekosistem terumbu karang sangat diperlukan dalam upaya menghadapi gangguan alami dan antropogenik yang merusak. Hal ini untuk memahami …