A comparison of degree intensifiers across English corpora: IS it 'flagrant','blatant', or 'sheer'audacity? Nozīmes pastiprinātāju salīdzinājums angļu valodas korpusos …

J Korostenskienė, L Bikelienė - ceeol.com
Due to its free-adjoining nature, the category of adjuncts is generally viewed as somewhat
peripheral to the forefront of grammatical relations. Meanwhile, given the significance of the …

[PDF][PDF] A comparison of degree intensifiers across English corpora: is it 'flagrant','blatant', or 'sheer'audacity?

J Korostenskienė, L Bikelienė - Valoda: nozima un forma, 2021 - epublications.vu.lt
Abstract [eng] Due to its free-adjoining nature, the category of adjuncts is generally viewed
as somewhat peripheral to the forefront of grammatical relations. Meanwhile, given the …

Valoda: nozīme un forma. Nr. 12: Gramatika un valodas apguve

A Kalnača - 2021 - dspace.lu.lv
Rakstu krājums ietver 15 rakstu par dažādiem gramatikas un valodas apguves jautājumiem
sinhroniskā un diahroniskā aspektā. Valodas materiāla analīze galvenokārt balstās dažādu …