Integral -adic Hodge theory

B Bhatt, M Morrow, P Scholze - Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 2018 - Springer
We construct a new cohomology theory for proper smooth (formal) schemes over the ring of
integers of C p C_p. It takes values in a mixed-characteristic analogue of Dieudonné …

-adic Hodge theory for rigid-analytic varieties

P Scholze - Forum of Mathematics, Pi, 2013 -
(2013), Vol. 1, e1, 77 pages doi:10.1017/fmp.2013.1 1 p-ADIC HODGE THEORY FOR …

Supersingular K3 surfaces for large primes

D Maulik - 2014 -
Given a K 3 surface X over a field of characteristic p, Artin conjectured that if X is
supersingular (meaning infinite height), then its Picard rank is 22. Along with work of …

Logarithmic Riemann-Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties

H Diao, KW Lan, R Liu, X Zhu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05786, 2018 -
On any smooth algebraic variety over a $ p $-adic local field, we construct a tensor functor
from the category of de Rham $ p $-adic\'etale local systems to the category of filtered …

Overconvergent Eichler–Shimura isomorphisms

F Andreatta, A Iovita, G Stevens - … of the Institute of Mathematics of …, 2015 -
OVERCONVERGENT EICHLER–SHIMURA ISOMORPHISMS Page 1 221 doi:10.1017/S1474748013000364
c Cambridge University Press 2013 OVERCONVERGENT EICHLER–SHIMURA …

Period sheaves via derived de Rham cohomology

H Guo, S Li - Compositio Mathematica, 2021 -
Period sheaves via derived de Rham cohomology Page 1 Period sheaves via derived de
Rham cohomology Haoyang Guo and Shizhang Li Compositio Math. 157 (2021), 2377–2406 …

A prismatic approach to crystalline local systems

H Guo, E Reinecke - Inventiones mathematicae, 2024 - Springer
Let X be a smooth p-adic formal scheme. We show that integral crystalline local systems on
the generic fiber of X are equivalent to prismatic F-crystals over the analytic locus of the …

Logarithmic Riemann–Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties

H Diao, KW Lan, R Liu, X Zhu - Journal of the American Mathematical …, 2023 -
On any smooth algebraic variety over a $ p $-adic local field, we construct a tensor functor
from the category of de Rham $ p $-adic étale local systems to the category of filtered …

[PDF][PDF] Semistable sheaves and comparison isomorphisms in the semistable case

F Andreatta, A Iovita - … del Seminario Matematico della Università di …, 2012 -
Semistable Sheaves and Comparison Isomorphisms in the Semistable Case Page 1 Rend.
Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, Vol. 128 (2012) Semistable Sheaves and Comparison Isomorphisms …

Crystalline comparison isomorphisms in p-adic Hodge theory: the absolutely unramified case

F Tan, J Tong - Algebra & Number Theory, 2019 -
We construct the crystalline comparison isomorphisms for proper smooth formal schemes
over an absolutely unramified base. Such isomorphisms hold for étale cohomology with …