S Noiret - Liinc em Revista, 2015 - revista.ibict.br
RESUMO A virada digital na história reformulou nossa documentação, transformou as ferramentas usadas para armazenar, tratar e acessar a informação, e, por vezes, adiantou …
G Zaagsma - BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review, 2013 - orbilu.uni.lu
Digital humanities seem to be omnipresent these days and the discipline of history 3 is no exception. This introduction is concerned with the changing practice of 'doing'history in the …
Historical scholarship is currently undergoing a digital turn. All historians have experienced this change in one way or another, by writing on word processors, applying quantitative …
Many libraries offer free access to digitised historical newspapers via user interfaces. After an initial period of search and filter options as the only features, the availability of more …
In a 1999 review essay for the New York Review of Books entitled “The New Age of the Book”, the distinguished historian Robert Darnton at that time acting president of the …
El entorno online genera nuevos tipos de evidencias históricas, mientras que paralelamente los nuevos mecanismos tecnológico-cognitivos provocan insólitas manifestaciones de la …
Suite au succès des digital humanities dans le monde anglo-saxon, les pays francophones ont connu un engouement similaire pour ce qui fut d'abord un désir d'évolution avant de …
1 The present text was produced after a year and a half of the world pandemic, lockdowns, and strange and awkward educational sequences [1]. Remote access to sources and …
JM Domingues, D Domingues - Revista de História da Educação …, 2022 - histemat.com.br
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar algumas reflexões do uso de documentos arquivísticos digitais, recorrendo-se a instrumentos provindos da Arquivologia no campo da …