Mining very large databases with parallel processing

AA Freitas, SH Lavington - 1997 -
Mining Very Large Databases with Parallel Processing addresses the problem of large-
scale data mining. It is an interdisciplinary text, describing advances in the integration of …

[引用][C] Metaheuristics: From Design to Implementation

EG Talbi - John Wiley & Sons google schola, 2009 -
A unified view of metaheuristics This book provides a complete background on
metaheuristics and shows readers how to design and implement efficient algorithms to solve …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of parallel genetic algorithms

E Cantú-Paz - Calculateurs paralleles, reseaux et systems repartis, 1998 - Citeseer
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are powerful search techniques that are used successfully to solve
problems in many different disciplines. Parallel GAs are particularly easy to implement and …

Parallelism and evolutionary algorithms

E Alba, M Tomassini - IEEE transactions on evolutionary …, 2002 -
This paper contains a modern vision of the parallelization techniques used for evolutionary
algorithms (EAs). The work is motivated by two fundamental facts: 1) the different families of …

[图书][B] Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms

E Cantu-Paz - 2000 -
As genetic algorithms (GAs) become increasingly popular, they are applied to difficult
problems that may require considerable computations. In such cases, parallel …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of parallel distributed genetic algorithms

E Alba, JM Troya - Complexity, 1999 -
In this work we review the most important existing developments and future trends in the
class of Parallel Genetic Algorithms (PGAs). PGAs are mainly subdivided into coarse and …

[PDF][PDF] How effective are multiple populations in genetic programming

WF Punch - Genetic Programming, 1998 - Citeseer
The use of multiple populations in Genetic Programming is an area that is just beginning to
be investigated. To date a number of conflicting reports have been generated with respect to …

[图书][B] Parallel genetic algorithms: Theory and real world applications

G Luque, E Alba - 2011 -
This book is the result of several years of research trying to better characterize parallel
genetic algorithms (pGAs) as a powerful tool for optimization, search, and learning. Readers …

Gradual distributed real-coded genetic algorithms

F Herrera, M Lozano - IEEE transactions on evolutionary …, 2000 -
A major problem in the use of genetic algorithms is premature convergence. One approach
for dealing with this problem is the distributed genetic algorithm model. Its basic idea is to …

[图书][B] Spatially structured evolutionary algorithms: artificial evolution in space and time

M Tomassini - 2005 - Springer
The field of evolutionary computation (EC) can no longer be considered an esoteric one.
Today, after about thirty years of research, a rich corpus of theory exists and many …