ZA Akbar, NC Dainy - Muhammadiyah Journal of Geriatric, 2023 -
Abstract Latar Belakang: Masalah yang dialami lansia umumnya berkaitan dengan proses penuaan, salah satunya adalah penurunan fungsi kognitif. Prevalensi kejadian demensia …
TP Ariestya, A Lestari, G Irianto - Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan …, 2022 -
The elderly are at risk of developing dementia. With increasing age, the risk of dementia will increase, this is exacerbated by the physical activity of the elderly. The Srikandi Bandar …
Dementia is a collection of symptoms that occurs progressively with cognitive decline marked by change in behavior, decreased memory or remembrance, orientation, difficulty in …
Latar belakang: Kolesterol merupakan gabungan esensial membran struktural sel dan hal itu menjadi kerangka penting sel otak dan syaraf. Kolesterol yaitu bahan untuk …
Background: Increased life expectancy has both positive and negative impacts. Elderly group are prone to nutritional issues and body function disorder such as sarcopenia. Factors …
Kejadian kanker mulut di Indonesia belum diketahui secara pasti, frekuensi relatif kasus kanker mulut adalah 1, 5-5% dari seluruh kanker. Beberapa faktor risiko rendah untuk …
Menopause is a condition where a woman is no longer has a menstrual cycle. There are changes in both physical and psychological condition that affects the life of these …
C Setiawan, SM Jannah - Jurnal Riset Kesehatan, 2022 -
As the age increases, the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 becomes prominent. In China, 3, 6% of people aged 60-69 years died, followed by 8% of those aged 70-79 years …
Latar Belakang: Prevalensi hiperuresemia pada lansia wanita lebih tinggi dibanding laki- laki. Penyebabnya pada menopause, estrogen mengalami penurunan sehingga tidak …