W Supriyanti - Jurnal Teknik Informatika CIT Medicom, 2023 - medikom.iocspublisher.org
Decision-makers frequently use the MADM (Multiple Attribute Decision Making) method to assist in solving decision-making issues. This approach can use a variety of algorithms …
DN Nafi, A Mulyanto… - … of Informatics Journal, 2021 - ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id
AbstrakUntuk menjadi ustadz yang teladan harus memiliki seperangkat kompetensi. Hal ini mengakibatkan pihak dari Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim kesulitan untuk menemukan …
Dimana diketahui sejak tahun 1998, pemerintah Indonesia telah melaksanakan sejumlah program perlindungan sosial dalam upaya pengentasan penduduk miskin, diantaranya …
1. Bapak Dr. M. Amin Hariyadi, MT dan Ibu Khadijah FH Holle, S. Kom., M. Kom selaku dosen pembimbing yang senantiasa meluangkan waktu untuk membimbing, mengarahkan …
This study aims to compare the three methods of Decision Support Systems in assessing/ recommending the provision of business credit at the Karya Sejahtera Cooperative. The …
LH Hasibuan, AA Munaji, A Deolika… - Journal of …, 2022 - journal.shantibhuana.ac.id
In this modern era, the assessment of an individual with other individuals is still in the subjective stage, a human being assesses the abilities of other humans by using various …
Keberadaan radio komunitas dihadang sejumlah masalah yaitu, batasan frekuensi dan jangkaua n. Radio komunitas diperkirakan akan mati karena tiga sebab. Pertama …
In this modern era, the assessment of an individual with other individuals is still in the subjective stage, a human being assesses the abilities of other humans by using various …
The Ministry of Cooperatives noted that the number of SMEs in Indonesia continues to increase. SMEs are one of the breakthroughs to increase economic growth and support the …