Peer-to-peer (p2p) systems are attracting increasing attention as an efficient means of sharing data among large, diverse and dynamic sets of users. The widespread use of XML …
RFC 4981: Survey of Research towards Robust Peer-to-Peer Networks: Search Methods [RFC Home] [TEXT|PDF|HTML] [Tracker] [IPR] [Info page] INFORMATIONAL Network Working Group …
We present the architecture of an end-to-end semantic search engine that uses a graph data model to enable interactive query answering over structured and interlinked data collected …
The Semantic Web community, until now, has used traditional database systems for the storage and querying of RDF data. The SPARQL query language also closely follows SQL …
The most important attribute of geospatial platforms is their unique potential to aggregate a multitude of public and private geographic data sets, providing access to data from …
We address the problem of scalable distributed reasoning, proposing a technique for materialising the closure of an RDF graph based on MapReduce. We have implemented our …
The large amount of Semantic Web data and its fast growth pose a significant computational challenge in performing efficient and scalable reasoning. On a large scale, the resources of …
This paper addresses the problem of building scalable semantic overlay networks. Our approach follows the principle of data independence by separating a logical layer, the …
In previous work we have shown that the MapReduce framework for distributed computation can be deployed for highly scalable inference over RDF graphs under the RDF Schema …