Cortical development consists of a series of synchronised events, including fate transition of cortical progenitors, neuronal migration, specification and connectivity. It is becoming clear …
Background The evolutionary origin of the telencephalon, the most anterior part of the vertebrate brain, remains obscure. Since no obvious counterpart to the telencephalon has …
Winged helix proteins have critical roles in a variety of developmental processes. During a screening for genes expressed in the developing forebrain, we identified HSPC280, a non …
The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate telencephalon remains unsolved. A major challenge has been the identification of homologous brain parts in invertebrate chordates …
I declare that:(i) the thesis is not one for which a degree has been or will be conferred by any other university or institution;(ii) the thesis is not one for which a degree has already been …
" It was, above all, indispensable to explore the short axon corpuscles, insufficiently studied by the aforementioned scholars (...) my investigations demonstrated that the functional …
In mammals, the proper execution of fine voluntary movements relies on complex, but highly organized neuronal networks connecting various regions of the brain, such as the cerebral …