The characteristics of a monetary economy: a Keynes–Schumpeter approach

G Bertocco - Cambridge journal of economics, 2007 -
Mainstream monetary theory considers money only as an instrument meant to facilitate
trading without having any effect on income or on the evolution of the economic system. The …

[图书][B] Crisis and the failure of economic theory: The responsibility of economists for the Great Recession

G Bertocco - 2017 -
Economists have rightly been criticized for not having foreseen the crisis that exploded in
2007–2008. As Giancarlo Bertocco eloquently argues, responsibility does indeed rest …

The endogenous money hypothesis: An empirical study of the Euro area (1999-2010)

M Lopreite - Available at SSRN 2084197, 2012 -
In this paper I examine the endogenous money supply hypothesis in the Euro Area using
data from 1999 to 2010. In doing so, I make extensive use of Vector Autoregression models …

[PDF][PDF] Some observations about the endogenous money theory

G Bertocco - Quaderni della Facoltà di Economia dell'Università dell' …, 2006 -
The endogenous money theory constitutes the core element of the post-keynesian monetary
theory. The first formulation of this theory can be found in the works of Kaldor published in …

[PDF][PDF] The endogenous money hypothesis and securitization: the Euro area case (1999–2010)

M Lopreite - 2012 -
I examine the endogenous money supply hypothesis in the Euro Area using data from 1999
to 2010. I make extensive use of Vector Autoregression (VAR) models with Granger …

Формирование информационно-поведенческой парадигмы монетарной политики

АА Гриценко, ТА Кричевская - Экономическая теория, 2007 -
Рассматривается новая парадигма монетарной экономики, предложенная Дж.
Стиглицем и Б. Гринвальдом на основании экономической теории информации: её …

Alcune osservazioni sulla relazione tra incertezza e moneta in Keynes

G Bertocco - Economia politica, 2006 -
La relazione tra moneta e incertezza costituisce il punto centrale della teoria monetaria
keynesiana. Generalmente gli economisti keynesiani presentano questa relazione …

[PDF][PDF] The economics of financing firms: the role of banks

G Bertocco - Economics and Quantitative Methods, Department of …, 2003 -
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the fact that the asymmetric information approach
does not constitute the only theoretical framework which gives prominence to the issue of …

[PDF][PDF] Note Bibliografiche: Bertocco G.(2015): La crisi e la responsabilità degli economisti

H Baron - Moneta e Credito, 2015 -
NOTE BIBLIOGRAFICHE Page 1 Moneta e Credito, vol. 68 n. 271 (settembre 2015), 341-355
Quest’opera è distribuita con licenza internazionale Creative Commons Attribuzione – Non …

L'Europa tra l'ordoliberalismo tedesco, Hayek, Schumpeter e Keynes. L'attualità degli anni'30 nel dibattito contemporaneo su moneta, credito, crisi e austerità.

A Kalajzic - 2018 -
The research starts from the interpretation of the causes of the debt crisis in the Eurozone
formulated by the more rigidly orthodox German economic and political circles, in order to …