Mental disorder classification provides a definitional framework that underlies applied clinical and research efforts to understand, assess, predict, prevent and ameliorate the …
The usefulness of current psychiatric classification, which is based on ICD/DSM categorical diagnoses, remains questionable. A promising alternative has been put forward as the …
Background: Network analysis (NA) is an analytical tool that allows one to explore the map of connections and eventual dynamic influences among symptoms and other elements of …
Hallucinations constitute one of the 5 symptom domains of psychotic disorders in DSM-5, suggesting diagnostic significance for that group of disorders. Although specific featural …
BackgroundNetwork analyses on psychopathological data focus on the network structure and its derivatives such as node centrality. One conclusion one can draw from centrality …
Galvanized with the availability of sophisticated statistical techniques and large datasets, network medicine has emerged as an active area of investigation. Following this trend …
Modern psychiatric epidemiology researches complex interactions between multiple variables in large datasets. This creates difficulties for causal inference. We argue for the …
Abstract Background Motor abnormalities (MAs) of severe mental disorders have been traditionally neglected both in clinical practice and research, although they are an increasing …
Hearing a voice in the absence of any speaker can be a significant feature of psychiatric illness, but is also increasingly acknowledged as an important aspect of everyday, non …