[PDF][PDF] Weather effects on daily traffic accidents and fatalities: a time series count data approach

G Yannis, MG Karlaftis - Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting …, 2010 -
The impact of weather conditions on traffic safety is a topic that has attracted considerable
interest in the literature. In this research, an integer autoregressive model (INAR) is used to …

The impacts of climate change on road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia

MM Islam, M Alharthi, MM Alam - Climate, 2019 - mdpi.com
The potential costs of road traffic accidents (RTAs) to society are immense. Yet, no study has
attempted to examine the impact of climate change on RTAs in Saudi Arabia, though RTA …

Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe

G Yannis, C Antoniou, E Papadimitriou - European transport research …, 2011 - Springer
Purpose The objective of this paper is to provide a parsimonious model for linking
motorization level with the decreasing fatality rates observed across EU countries during the …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of meteorological factors on the number of injury accidents

C Antoniou, G Yannis, D Katsochis… - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2013 - wctrs-society.com
Weather conditions are generally considered as one of the most critical sets of factors
affecting the number of road accidents and associated casualties in a given network. There …

Understanding the spatial patterns of tanker accidents in Nigeria using geographically weighted regression

MO Olawole, OM Olapoju - International journal of vehicle …, 2018 - inderscienceonline.com
Road traffic accidents involving tankers are important causes of death and injury in Nigeria.
This study examined spatial patterns and possible determinants of tanker accidents in …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of weather on road traffic accidents in Ondo state, Nigeria: 2005-2012

MO Olawole - Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria …, 2016 - geografie-uoradea.ro
Road traffic accidents and their related deaths have become a major health problem and
concerns. Studies have examined the impact of weather on road traffic accidents and …

The expected number of road traffic casualties using stratified data

H Stipdonk, P Wesemann, B Ale - Safety science, 2010 - Elsevier
Road safety policy plans often require robust calculation of the expected number of road
casualties in a certain target year. The relevance of such estimations should be measured …

Interaction effects of prevailing weather conditions and crash characteristics on crash severity: A case study on two corridors in Iowa

DV Bilionis - 2013 - search.proquest.com
It has been widely accepted that weather has a significant impact on road safety. The large
body of literature points out that weather is an environmental factor that affects both …

Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models

C Antoniou, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis - Traffic injury prevention, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: Modeling road safety development is a complex task and needs to consider both
the quantifiable impact of specific parameters as well as the underlying trends that cannot …

[图书][B] Road Safety: From Global to Local and Vice Versa

M Čabarkapa - 2019 - books.google.com
This book is dedicated to all road users, highlighting their responsibility to do everything to
protect their own safety and that of others. It is also dedicated to all road designers to do …