Biogeographical patterns in the diet of an opportunistic predator: the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Iberian Peninsula

F Díaz‐Ruiz, M Delibes‐Mateos… - Mammal …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Biogeographical diversity is central to the trophic ecology of predators. Understanding the
biogeographical trophic patterns of generalist predators, such as the red fox V ulpes vulpes …

Do dingoes protect Australia's small mammal fauna from introduced mesopredators? Time to consider history and recent events

BD Cooke, RC Soriguer - Food Webs, 2017 - Elsevier
Proponents of the idea that dingoes protect mid-sized native mammals by suppressing
introduced foxes and feral cats often use observations made on either side of Australia's …

Land‐use changes may explain the recent range expansion of the Black‐shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in southern Europe

J Balbontín, JJ Negro, JH Sarasola, JJ Ferrero… - Ibis, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Occasional observations of Black‐shouldered Kites Elanus caeruleus in Europe date back
to the mid‐19th century, but it was only recorded as a breeding species in the early 1960s in …

[HTML][HTML] Un assemblage de petits vertébrés hautement diversifié de la fin du MIS 5 dans un environnement montagnard au centre de l'Espagne (Cueva del Camino …

C Laplana, HA Blain, P Sevilla… - … . Revue de l' …, 2013 -
La Haute Vallée du Lozoya au Centre de l'Espagne est actuellement l'un des
environnements naturels le plus diversifié en ce qui concerne les petits vertébrés terrestres …

Cabrera's Vole Microtus cabrerae Thomas, 1906 and the subgenus Iberomys during the Quaternary: Evolutionary implications and conservation

JA Garrido-García, RC Soriguer-Escofet - Geobios, 2012 - Elsevier
The corological evolution of the species of the subgenus Iberomys and, specifically, of
Microtus cabrerae, are described. Iberomys appeared in the Iberian Peninsula during the …

Human impact on small-mammal diversity during the middle-to late-Holocene in Iberia: The case of El Mirador cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)

S Bañuls-Cardona, P Martín Rodríguez… - The …, 2017 -
The human impact on the environment in the Holocene has usually been characterized on
the basis of palaeobotanical records, but attempts to distinguish the anthropogenic impact …

[PDF][PDF] Eficiencia de tres tipos de trampas para la captura de micromamíferos

F Carro, D Pérez-Aranda, A Lamosa… - Galemys, 2007 -
Durante los años 2003-2004 se han realizado 11 muestreos de roedores para la búsqueda
de infecciones por hantavirus en España dentro de la Red EVITAR (Enfermedades Víricas …

Human Impact on Small-mammals from Lateglacial to Late Holocene of Western Mediterranean Region: New Environmental and Climate Approach

Per questa tesi di dottorato, sono stati studiati gli insiemi di micromammiferi dal
Tardoglaciale alla fine dell'Olocene delle regioni del Mediterraneo occidentale. Sono stati …

[PDF][PDF] Ecology of stoats Mustela erminea in a valley of the Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain

Á Hernández, P Zaldívar - Vertebrate Zoology, 2016 -
There is very little information on the ecology of stoats Mustela erminea in the Iberian
Peninsula, the southwestern limits of their Eurasian range. The aim of this study is to gain …

Uso y disponibilidad de recursos a distintas escalas por un generalista trófico: la dieta del zorro rojo (Vulpes Vulpes) en el centro de la Península Ibérica

F Márquez Tejada - 2023 -
El zorro rojo o común (Vulpes vulpes) es un carnívoro generalista de mediano tamaño con
un comportamiento de alimentación adaptativo, lo que le permite explorar una amplia gama …