Decentralized SDN control plane for a distributed cloud-edge infrastructure: A survey

DE Sarmiento, A Lebre, L Nussbaum… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2021 -
Today's emerging needs (Internet of Things applications, Network Function Virtualization
services, Mobile Edge computing, etc.) are challenging the classic approach of deploying a …

In-memory big data management and processing: A survey

H Zhang, G Chen, BC Ooi, KL Tan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
Growing main memory capacity has fueled the development of in-memory big data
management and processing. By eliminating disk I/O bottleneck, it is now possible to support …

[PDF][PDF] Umbra: A Disk-Based System with In-Memory Performance.

T Neumann, MJ Freitag - CIDR, 2020 -
The increases in main-memory sizes over the last decade have made pure in-memory
database systems feasible, and in-memory systems offer unprecedented performance …

Building high throughput permissioned blockchain fabrics: Challenges and opportunities

S Gupta, J Hellings, S Rahnama, M Sadoghi - Proceedings of the VLDB …, 2020 -
Since the introduction of Bitcoin---the first widespread application driven by blockchains---
the interest in the design of blockchain-based applications has increased tremendously. At …

Hekaton: SQL server's memory-optimized OLTP engine

C Diaconu, C Freedman, E Ismert, PA Larson… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
Hekaton is a new database engine optimized for memory resident data and OLTP
workloads. Hekaton is fully integrated into SQL Server; it is not a separate system. To take …

[图书][B] Cloud computing: theory and practice

DC Marinescu - 2022 -
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice, Third Edition provides students and IT professionals
with an in-depth analysis of the cloud from the ground up. After an introduction to network …

HyPer: A hybrid OLTP&OLAP main memory database system based on virtual memory snapshots

A Kemper, T Neumann - 2011 IEEE 27th International …, 2011 -
The two areas of online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing
(OLAP) present different challenges for database architectures. Currently, customers with …

SQL databases v. NoSQL databases

M Stonebraker - Communications of the ACM, 2010 -
The Communications Web site, http://cacm. acm. org, features more than a dozen bloggers
in the BLOG@ CACM community. In each issue of Communications, we'll publish excerpts …

What's really new with NewSQL?

A Pavlo, M Aslett - ACM Sigmod Record, 2016 -
A new class of database management systems (DBMSs) called NewSQL tout their ability to
scale modern on-line transaction processing (OLTP) workloads in a way that is not possible …

[PDF][PDF] The VoltDB Main Memory DBMS.

M Stonebraker, A Weisberg - IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 2013 -
This paper describes the VoltDB DBMS as it exists in mid 2013. The focus is on design
decisions, especially in concurrency control and high availability, as well as on the …