[PDF][PDF] Development of a two-tier multiple-choice (TTMC) diagnostic test for geometry materials to identify misconceptions of middle school students

M Syaifuddin, R Darmayanti, N Rizki - Jurnal Silogisme: Kajian Ilmu …, 2022 - academia.edu
The purpose of this research was to create a two-tier diagnostic instrument that can detect
students' misconceptions about triangle and quadrilateral material. The descriptive method …

Effect of use of GeoGebra on achievement of high school mathematics students

H Zulnaidi, E Oktavika, R Hidayat - Education and Information …, 2020 - Springer
A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of using the software GeoGebra
as teaching aid on the achievement of Form Two students. The experimental study was …

Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa STKIP Rokania pada Materi Limit Fungsi

J Jufri - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2022 - j-cup.org
Artikel ini membahas miskonsepsi mahasiswa STKIP Rokania pada materi limit fungsi. Limit
fungsi merupakan materi yang sangat penting untuk mempelajari kalkulus, namun yang …

Perilaku belajar efektif terhadap kemampuan kognitif psikomotorik siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika

S Sriyana, W Winarso - IndoMath: Indonesia Mathematics …, 2018 - jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id
The research was conducted to learn about the effect of effective learning behavior on
students' cognitive-psychomotor skills in class IX mathematics learning at MTs Ash …

Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Kelas X pada Pembelajaran Reaksi Redoks di Kurikulum Merdeka

S Nugrohadi, I Chasanah - Jurnal Pendidikan Mipa, 2022 - ejournal.tsb.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa pada topik reaksi redoks dalam
kurikulum merdeka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini …

Analysis of primary school students' knowledge structures regarding the movements of the earth according to conceptual change theories

MA Kandemir, Z Apaydın - Cukurova University Faculty of Education …, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
In the research, the knowledge structures (mental model) of the students regarding rotation,
revolution, daily and annual movements of the world were analyzed. The research was …

Errors and misconceptions in solving linear inequalities in one variable

SK Biney, CA Ali, NS Adzifome - Journal of Advanced …, 2023 - journal.foundae.com
Linear inequalities are mathematical expressions that compare two expressions using the
inequality symbol, in either be algebraic or numerical or both. However, in solving either of …

Persepsi Guru Geografi Mengenai Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Daring Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Di SMA/MA Se Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara

TF Azizah, KP Hastuti, AM Rahman - JPG (Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
Aplikasi pembelajaran daring dimanfaatkan oleh guru untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran
secara daring yang semula pembelajaran dilakukan secara konvensional (tatap muka) …

Student representation of mathematical thinking in mathematical problem solving

B Buhaerah, M Nasir - Journal of Medives: Journal of …, 2023 - e-journal.ivet.ac.id
The way students who want to become teachers represent their mathematical reasoning
when they solve mathematical problems—using case studies and qualitative techniques …

Opinions of Preservice Mathematics Teachers Regarding Conceptual Change Texts Prepared on Limit and Continuity

H Güveli, E Güveli - Shanlax International Journal of …, 2023 - avesis.erdogan.edu.tr
Some students have misconceptions. Students' misconceptions make difficult to learn the
new subject. Teachers need to know students' misconceptions and take precautions. One of …