Kualitas hidup ditinjau dari tingkat kecemasan pasien penderita Ulkus Diabetikum

H Setiawan, H Mukhlis, DA Wahyudi… - Majalah Kesehatan …, 2020 - ukinstitute.org
Diabetic foot ulcer is a chronic wound in the lower area of the ankle, which causes anxiety,
increases morbidity, mortality, and reduces the quality of life. This research aims to know the …

[HTML][HTML] Terapi Seft (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) Untuk Menghadapi Kecemasan Dalam Persalinan

W Sarimunadi, BT Carolin… - JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan …, 2021 - ejurnalmalahayati.ac.id
Background: If the concern and anxiety of pregnant women is not handled seriously, it will
have an impact and influence on physical and psychological aspects, both on the mother …

Senam Yoga Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Trimester III

NA Fauziah, K Komalasari… - Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal …, 2021 - aisyah.journalpress.id
Anxiety is discomfort or fear accompanied by a response that occurs in the third trimester,
namely anxiety about perineal tears (64%), pain during labor (60%), loss of babies (50%) …

Literature Riview: Determinants of Postpartum Blues

N Olii, S Salman, NA Abdul, SCD Astuti… - … Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2023 - aisyah.journalpress.id
Postpartum blues is a kind of psychological problem in the period after childbirth, where a
woman feels sad and depressed immediately. Post partum blues symptoms begin to appear …

Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Komplementer pada Masa Nifas di Praktik Mandiri Bidan Kabupaten Pringsewu

NA Putri, K Komalasari, NA Fauziah… - … Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2021 - aisyah.journalpress.id
The postpartum period is a transitional period where many changes occur, both physically
and mentally, which are different for each woman. Efforts to deal with complaints such as …

Pengaruh Aromatherapi Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik

S Sinaga, RW Utami… - Jurnal …, 2021 - jurnal.globalhealthsciencegroup …
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan sebelum dilakukan pemberian
aromatherapi ekstrak kulit jeruk pada pasien luka diabetic dan dilakukan sesudah …

Psikoedukasi kesehatan dalam melakukan perawatan payudara pada ibu nifas.

AN Xanda, O Safitri, R Panduwinata - Journal of Psychological …, 2019 - ukinstitute.org
Berdasarkan hasil data laporan tahunan di Provinsi Lampung tahun 2015 sebanyak 15, 3
persen ibu tidak melakukan perawatan payudara, hal ini dikarenakan ibu tidak …

Pengaruh pijat oksitosin terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI ibu postpartum

J Juwariah, YD Fara, AT Mayasari… - Wellness And Healthy …, 2020 - wellness.journalpress.id
Breast milk is the best natural fluid that is needed by babies. Based on exclusive breast milk
coverage in Indonesia on 2018 in the amount of 65, 16 percent. The breast milk that came …


H Prasetyorini - … Development Journal: Jurnal …, 2024 - journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id
Kehamilan merupakan sebuah siklus kehidupan yang berlangsung terus menerus hal ini
sangat diperlukan sekali terkait dengan penatalaksanaan pencegahan angka kematian ibu …

The Effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on The Childbirth Anxiety in Primigravida in The Third Trimester of Pregnancy

MH Limbong - Contagion: Scientific Periodical Journal of Public …, 2024 - jurnal.uinsu.ac.id
Pregnant primigravida women generally experience fear, anxiety, and worry during
pregnancy and while facing childbirth and the postpartum period. Anxiety has been …