Chinese named entity recognition in football based on ALBERT-BiLSTM Model

Q An, B Pan, Z Liu, S Du, Y Cui - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, arousing a wide range of research
topics related to its off-and on-the-pitch performance. The extraction of football entities from …

GREG: A global level relation extraction with knowledge graph embedding

K Kim, Y Hur, G Kim, H Lim - Applied Sciences, 2020 -
In an age overflowing with information, the task of converting unstructured data into
structured data are a vital task of great need. Currently, most relation extraction modules are …

Sensitive data identification in structured data through genner model based on text generation and ner

J Park, G Kim, D Lee - … of the 2020 International Conference on …, 2020 -
A Lot of documents in many organizations from companies to governments are shared on on-
premise storage or clouds. And some of those documents may contain sensitive information …

Examining suicide tendency social media texts by deep learning and topic modeling techniques

YS Ko, JH Lee, M Song - Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for …, 2021 -
This study aims to create a deep learning-based classification model to classify suicide
tendency by suicide corpus constructed for the present study. Also, to analyze suicide …


고영수, 이주희, 송민 - 한국비블리아학회지, 2021 -
자살은 전 세계 사망 원인 중 4 위이며 사회, 경제적 손실이 큰 난제이다. 본 연구는 자살 예방을
위하여 소셜미디어에 나타난 자살 관련 말뭉치를 구축하고 이를 통해 자살 경향 문헌을 분류할 …

A Convergence Study on Korean Traditional Plant Patterns and'Zentangle Art'

HS Yoon, KB Kim, JH Chung - Journal of Digital Convergence, 2019 -
This study is a study on the methodology and possibility of making more creative'Zentangle
Art'works through the effective convergence of digital art during the process of Zentangle …

다중작업학습기법을적용한Bi-LSTM 개체명인식시스템성능비교분석.

김경민, 한승규, 오동석… - Journal of Digital …, 2019 -
요약 다중작업학습 (Multi-Task Learning, MTL) 기법은 하나의 신경망을 통해 다양한 작업을
동시에 수행하고 각작업 간에 상호적으로 영향을 미치면서 학습하는 방식을 말한다. 본 …

한국전통문양식물문(食物紋) 과젠탱글아트의융합연구.

윤희선, 김기범, 정진헌 - Journal of Digital Convergence, 2019 -
요 약 본 연구는 아날로그 연필, 펜 등과 같은 필기구를 사용하여 패턴을 그리는 젠탱글 아트
(zentangle art) 제작 과정중, 디지털 아트의 효과적인 융복합을 통해서 보다 창의적인 젠텡글 …

[PDF][PDF] Performance Comparison Analysis on Named Entity Recognition system with Bi-LSTM based Multi-task Learning

GM Kim, S Han, D Oh, HS Lim - Journal of Digital Convergence, 2019 -
Abstract Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a training method that trains a single neural network
with multiple tasks influences each other. In this paper, we compare performance of MTL …