Theory of nonlinear plasma surface waves

L Stenflo - Physica Scripta, 1996 -
Nonlinear wave phenomena in uniform or slightly nonuniform plasmas are now
comparatively well known. In the present review paper we shall therefore, as a complement …

Surface plasma rogue waves

WM Moslem, PK Shukla, B Eliasson - Europhysics Letters, 2011 -
It is shown that the electrostatic surface plasma rogue waves can be excited and propagate
along a plasma-vacuum interface due to the nonlinear coupling between high-frequency …

Travelling-wave-sustained discharges

H Schlüter, A Shivarova - Physics Reports, 2007 - Elsevier
This review is on discharges maintained by travelling waves: new plasma sources,
discovered in 1974 and considered as a prototype of the gas discharges according to their …

[图书][B] The physics of Alfvén waves

NF Cramer - 2011 -
Low-frequency wave modes of magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas have been subject to
intense study in the last decade because they play important roles in the transport of energy …

[图书][B] Guided-wave-produced plasmas

YM Aliev, H Schlüter, A Shivarova - 2000 -
1. Introduction.-1.1 The Structure of the Book.-2. Basic Relations.-2.1 Basic Laws of Plasma
Electrodynamics.-2.2 Basic Equations for Modelling Gas Discharges.-2.2. 1 Kinetic-Model …

[图书][B] Solitary Waves in Dispersive Complex Media: Theory· Simulation· Applications

VY Belashov, SV Vladimirov - 2005 - Springer
In this section, we derive the KdV equation from the full set of hydrodynamic equations.
Here, we realize the general approach, ie, we do not consider any particular type of a …

Generalized Lorenz equations for acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere

L Stenflo - Physica Scripta, 1996 -
It is shown that the low-frequency, short-wavelength acoustic-gravity perturbations in the
atmosphere can be described by a system of four generalized Lorenz equations. These …

Topological phases and bulk-edge correspondence of magnetized cold plasmas

Y Fu, H Qin - Nature Communications, 2021 -
Plasmas have been recently studied as topological materials. However, a comprehensive
picture of topological phases and topological phase transitions in cold magnetized plasmas …

The dispersion and propagation of topological Langmuir-cyclotron waves in cold magnetized plasmas

Y Fu, H Qin - Journal of Plasma Physics, 2022 -
The topological Langmuir-cyclotron wave (TLCW) is a recently identified topological surface
excitation in magnetized plasmas. We show that TLCW originates from the topological …

Surface magnetoplasma waves at the interface between a plasma-like medium and a metal in the Voigt geometry

NA Azarenkov, KN Ostrikov - Physics Reports, 1999 - Elsevier
Theoretical and experimental results associated with the studies of different properties of
surface-type waves (SW) in plasma-like medium–metal structures are reviewed. The …