In Chapter 1, we have seen how the algebra of the polynomial rings k [x1,..., xn] and the geometry of affine algebraic varieties are linked. In this chapter, we will study the method of …
The world is continuous, but the mind is discrete. David Mumford We seek to bridge some critical gaps between various? elds of mathematics by studying the interplay between the …
Triangulations presents the first comprehensive treatment of the theory of secondary polytopes and related topics. The text discusses the geometric structure behind the …
This paper discusses algorithms and software for the enumeration of all lattice points inside a rational convex polytope: we describe LattE, a computer package for lattice point …
RP Stanley - Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics, 2011 -
Enumerative combinatorics has undergone enormous development since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1986. It has become more clear what are the essential topics …
B Cousins, S Vempala - Mathematical Programming Computation, 2016 - Springer
We present a practical algorithm for computing the volume of a convex body with a target relative accuracy parameter ε> 0 ε> 0. The convex body is given as the intersection of an …
We experimentally study the fundamental problem of computing the volume of a convex polytope given as an intersection of linear halfspaces. We implement and evaluate …
JA De Loera - Mathematische Semesterberichte, 2005 - Springer
A wide variety of topics in pure and applied mathematics involve the problem of counting the number of lattice points inside a convex bounded polyhedron, for short called a polytope …
We present a new lower bound on the number of contingency tables, improving upon and extending previous lower bounds by Barvinok [Bar09, Bar16] and Gurvits [Gur15]. As an …