Hybridization in plants: old ideas, new techniques

BE Goulet, F Roda, R Hopkins - Plant physiology, 2017 - academic.oup.com
Hybridization has played an important role in the evolution of many lineages. With the
growing availability of genomic tools and advancements in genomic analyses, it is becoming …

Hybridization and speciation

R Abbott, D Albach, S Ansell, JW Arntzen… - Journal of …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Hybridization has many and varied impacts on the process of speciation. Hybridization may
slow or reverse differentiation by allowing gene flow and recombination. It may accelerate …

The use of bioacoustics in anuran taxonomy: theory, terminology, methods and recommendations for best practice

J Koehler, M Jansen, A Rodriguez, PJR Kok, LF Toledo… - Zootaxa, 2017 - biotaxa.org
Vocalizations of anuran amphibians have received much attention in studies of behavioral
ecology and physiology, but also provide informative characters for identifying and …

[图书][B] The ecology of adaptive radiation

D Schluter - 2000 - books.google.com
Adaptive radiation is the evolution of diversity within a rapidly multiplying lineage. It can
cause a single ancestral species to differentiate into an impressively vast array of species …

[PDF][PDF] The general lineage concept of species, species criteria, and the process of speciation

K De Queiroz - Endless forms: species and speciation, 1998 - repository.si.edu
Speciation, the process through which new species come into being, is one of the central
topics of evolutionary biology. It links the great fields of micro-and macroevolutionary biology …

[图书][B] Acoustic communication in insects and anurans: common problems and diverse solutions

HC Gerhardt, F Huber - 2002 - books.google.com
Walk near woods or water on any spring or summer night and you will hear a bewildering
(and sometimes deafening) chorus of frog, toad, and insect calls. How are these calls …

[图书][B] Evolution: Probleme—Themen—Fragen

M Ridley - 2013 - books.google.com
Beim Studium der jüngeren Kontroversen über den Darwinismus fiel mir wiederholt auf, das
sie falsche Darstellungen enthielten, so als würde es sich um irgendetwas Umfassenderes …

Phylogeography's past, present, and future: 10 years after

MJ Hickerson, BC Carstens, J Cavender-Bares… - Molecular phylogenetics …, 2010 - Elsevier
Approximately 20 years ago, Avise and colleagues proposed the integration of
phylogenetics and population genetics for investigating the connection between micro-and …

Speciation, hybrid zones and phylogeography—or seeing genes in space and time

GM Hewitt - Molecular ecology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The origins and development of the study of speciation, hybrid zones and phylogeography
are outlined using evolutionary iconography. This traces the ideas in this field from Lamarck …

The role of reinforcement in speciation: theory and data

MR Servedio, MAF Noor - Annual review of ecology, evolution …, 2003 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract To assess the frequency and importance of reinforcement in nature we must begin
by looking for its signature in the most likely places. Theoretical studies can pinpoint …