Embryo transplantation technologies in sheep breeding.

R Nainienė, A Šiukščius, B Zapasnikienė - 2011 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The main elements of ewe embryo transfer techniques were developed more than 57 years
ago. Though the application of this method in cattle breeding is wide-spread but in sheep …

[PDF][PDF] PCR-Sexing, Genotyping and Viability of Bovine Preimplantation Embryos After Freezing-Thawing and Biopsy

R Nainienė, J Kutra, A Urbšys, V Pileckas, A Šiukščius - XIII, 2007 - researchgate.net
Bovine embryo transfer is considered to be of great significance in animal reproduction
biotechnology. It influences the use of the genetic potential of high producing cows and …

Bovine embryo genotyping and freezability after biopsy

R Nainiene, J Kutra, A Urbsys, V Pileckas, A Siukscius - 2006 - agris.fao.org
The reproduction process in its various forms is the instrument that allows the transmission
of genes to the next generation. Reproduction science and in particular embryo …