How do third sector organisations or charities providing health and well-being services in England implement patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)? A …

A Foster, A O'Cathain, J Harris - BMJ open, 2020 -
Objectives To identify the facilitators and barriers to implementing patient-reported outcome
measures (PROMs) in third sector organisations (TSOs) delivering health and well-being …

Improving community support for older people's needs through commissioning third sector services: a qualitative study

N Chadborn, C Craig, G Sands… - Journal of health …, 2019 -
Aim This exploratory study of commissioning third sector services for older people aimed to
explore whether service data was fed back to commissioners and whether this could …

How Do Older Adults Self-manage Distress and what Role Does the Internet Have?: A Qualitative Study

A Moult - 2019 -
Although anxiety and depression are common in older adults, the medical terms may not be
acceptable to them. Older people are more likely to perceive themselves as experiencing …