XJ Wang - Annual review of neuroscience, 2022 - annualreviews.org
The neocortex is a complex neurobiological system with many interacting regions. How these regions work together to subserve flexible behavior and cognition has become …
The anatomy of the brain necessarily constrains its function, but precisely how remains unclear. The classical and dominant paradigm in neuroscience is that neuronal dynamics …
Neurotransmitter receptors support the propagation of signals in the human brain. How receptor systems are situated within macro-scale neuroanatomy and how they shape …
Cognitive functions are subserved by rhythmic neuronal synchronization across widely distributed brain areas. In 105 area pairs, we investigated functional connectivity (FC) …
The human isocortex consists of tangentially organized layers with unique cytoarchitectural properties. These layers show spatial variations in thickness and cytoarchitecture across the …
Multi-modal neuroimaging projects such as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and UK Biobank are advancing our understanding of human brain architecture, function …
Modern brainwide transcriptional atlases provide unprecedented opportunities for investigating the molecular correlates of brain organization, as quantified using noninvasive …
Biological neuronal networks (BNNs) are a source of inspiration and analogy making for researchers that focus on artificial neuronal networks (ANNs). Moreover, neuroscientists …
Hierarchy is a major organizational principle of the cortex and underscores modern computational theories of cortical function. The local microcircuit amplifies long-distance …