The common availability of multiple processors in modern CPU devices and the need to reduce cost of embedded systems has created a drive for integrating functionalities from …
JA Ambrose, T Li, D Murphy, S Gargg… - … Conference on VLSI …, 2015 -
Multicore systems are an integral part of today's embedded systems which allow for improved performance and reduced power consumption. Designing and creating a …
AK Alqallaf, AH Tewfik - 2009 IEEE International Conference on …, 2009 -
Microarray technologies had been used to measure DNA copy number data. The copy number represents the relative fluorescent intensity level between control and test DNA …
Mixed-criticality is a current trend in real-time embedded systems, where software tasks are integrated onto fewer hardware platforms. The basic idea is to use one processor to execute …
H Wang, Q Min, Y Li, W Zhang - 2014 9th IEEE International …, 2014 -
Nowadays, the release of SoC products has come to a burst. Time-to-market of these products has been shortened to an extreme, nearly 8 to 12 months. To reduce production …