K Jegerstedt - Exploring the Black Venus Figure in Aesthetic Practices, 2019 - brill.com
Kari Jegerstedt raises the question of how, if at all, it is possible to 'give voice'to the abjected, always already erased other, considering the simultaneous world-scattering and wor (l) ding …
C MacLeod - Contemporary French Civilization, 2011 - liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk
Although largely absent from pre-1939 comic strips depicting imperial conquest, the woman of non-European origin has finally found, to an albeit limited extent, a place in the bande …
LCC Moreira - Terra Roxa e Outras Terras: Revista de Estudos …, 2008 - ojs.uel.br
Nights at the Circus, de Angela Carter, apropria e reescreve representações tradicionais– portanto, masculinas–de sujeitos femininos, os quais se tornaram modelos de …