Faktor Pendukung Pendewasaaan Usia Perkawinan: Enabling Factors of Marriage Age Maturity

W Angraini, H Amrullah, H Febriawati… - Jurnal Bidan …, 2021 - jurnal.poltekkespalu.ac.id
Introduction: Maturity of age marriage (PUP) plays as an important role in implementation of
population development and family planning programs that aimed in improving quality of …

Determinan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja di Indonesia: Sistematik Review

S Aima, D Erwandi - Muhammadiyah Journal of Midwifery, 2023 - jurnal.umj.ac.id
Masa remaja merupakan transisi dalam kehidupan manusia antara masa anak-anak dan
dewasa yang mengalami perubahan baik dari segi fisik, kognitif, maupun psikososial …

Factors Associated with STI Risky Sexual Behavior in Street Punk Children

R Kartikasasmi, Z Shaluhiyah… - Jurnal Keperawatan …, 2023 - journal.ipm2kpe.or.id
This study aims to analyze the factors associated with STI-risk sexual behavior among street
children in Batang District, Pemalang District, Pekalongan District, and Pekalongan City. The …

Physical, psychological, and sexual violence on adolescents in junior high school, senior high school, and college

FDP Anggraini, K Mubarokah… - International Journal on …, 2023 - journals.iarn.or.id
Dating violence is the second highest cause after dating violence. Adolescents are a
population at risk for dating violence. This study aimed to analyze the differences at each …

Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Remaja Terhadap Pencegahan HIV/AIDS Di SMA Negeri 6 Padang Tahun 2022

DJ Irsyah - 2022 - scholar.unand.ac.id
Tujuan Penelitian: Angka kejadian HIV terus meningkat, berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan
Kota Padang (2020) kasus HIV tercatat sebanyak 225 kasus. Rentang usia terbanyak …


A Aprianti, K Mubarokah… - JAM: JURNAL ABDI …, 2024 - openjournal.wdh.ac.id
The ease with which teenagers can access information via the internet has an impact on the
more accessible access to pornography for teenagers. Exposure to pornography can result …

The Experience of Deviated Reproductive Health Behaviors in Adolescents Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

L Fatimah, N Anggraini - Proceedings …, 2023 - jurnal.globalhealthsciencegroup …
The behavior of Indonesian adolescents in free sex freedom from year to year has not
decreased, even increasing. Casual sex can increase the rate of unwanted pregnancies and …

Internalisasi Pendidikan Seks Melalui Organisasi Pusat Informasi dan Konseling-Remaja (PIK-R) di SMKN 3 Padang

PO Fitri, R Fernandes - Jurnal Perspektif, 2021 - perspektif.ppj.unp.ac.id
Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi
dan penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga bagi remaja (PKBR) maka BKKBN membentuk …

[引用][C] Differences in levels of knowledge and attitudes about re-productive health among students of the faculty of health and non-health faculties in Sema-rang City

R Wulandari, WDE Aprianti, DE Waluyo - J Kesehat masyarakat, 2023

[引用][C] Towards a Conscious Digital Generation: Efforts to Increase Knowledge and Attitudes about Cybersex among Adolescents

DGA Nursal, SN Hasanah, G Afrila, M Mutia, S Nasitoh… - Warta Pengabdian Andalas, 2024