Güney Kore müzik diplomasisi aracı olarak K-pop ve BTS grubu örneği

A Keskin - Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
Müzik veya popüler müzik ürünleri günümüzde devletlerarası ilişkileri etkileyen veya farklı
bir yöne sevk eden derecede önemli kültürel unsurlardır. Devletler, müziğin diplomasideki …

[PDF][PDF] International student experience in Indonesia and public diplomacy consequences: Governance of Darmasiswa program

AM Sutjipto, JM Pinariya, F Suwana - International Journal of …, 2023 - academia.edu
This study discussed Darmasiswa program as Indonesia's public diplomacy effort in the
educational fields conducted by the Republic Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture …

Korean Pop Culture Sebagai Instrument Politik Luar Negeri Korea Selatan

AR Safaat, FR Bachtiar, NA Zainal - Vox Populi, 2022 - journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id
Abstract Fenomena budaya pop Korea Selatan yang disebut Hallyu telah
berhasilmenjangkau ke seluruh dunia saat ini. BTS yang merupakan boyband grupK-pop …

Revealing Masculinity in BTS's Music: Between Self Identity and Market Desire

FY Nurnisya, S Hasna - Jurnal ASPIKOM, 2023 - jurnalaspikom.org
Previous studies assessed that the Korean Wave, including the music group Bangtan
Sonyeondan (BTS), had campaigned for a different side of masculinity. BTS, through their …

[PDF][PDF] Korean Wave dan Kebijakan Budaya: Analisis Diplomasi Budaya melalui Kerangka Neoliberalisme

FP Azzahra - ResearchGate. Retrieved October, 2022 - researchgate.net
Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang Korean wave atau budaya populer korea sebagai salah
satu diplomasi budaya yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan untuk mencapai kepentingan …

[PDF][PDF] Analyzing the practice of South Korea's public diplomacy in Indonesia: An approach with communication pyramid of public diplomacy

V Fitria, HA Al Giffari, D Al Falah, MZ Razin - J. Soc. Stud, 2021 - academia.edu
Abstract The dissemination of South Korean culture in Indonesia becomes prominent as it
attracts lot of people and creates many fans. The penetration of its spread in Indonesia is …

The soft power of South Korea

A Lale - Asya Studies, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
The phenomenon of power in International Relations is among the concepts often
discussed. The concept of 'power'with rising realism in 20th century was understood as …

관광지서비스품질, 관광지이미지및재방문의도간관계에서한류의조절효과: 주한아프리카유학생을대상으로

서재연, 정철, 김성수 - 관광학연구, 2021 - kiss.kstudy.com
최근 한류는 아시아를 넘어 미국, 유럽, 중동, 아프리카 권역까지 그 영향력을 넓혀가고 있으며,
한류 콘텐츠의 영역 또한 폭넓게 확장되고 있다. 이에 이 연구는 아시아 지역에 치우쳤던 한류 …

Diplomasi Publik dan Soft Power: Sama atau Berbeda?

S Trisni, A Putri - Andalas Journal of International Studies …, 2023 - ajis.fisip.unand.ac.id
Public diplomacy has been a long-standing practice that continues to this day. Both
developed and developing countries aim to design public diplomacy programs that are well …

Korean Drama Liberalization?: Political Economy of Product Placement Legalization for Foreign Companies in South Korea

R Herningtyas, FDL Wardhanny - 4th International Conference …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
This article aims to determine the effect of product placement legalization for foreign
companies in the South Korean cultural industry, especially Korean Drama, toward the …