Recommender systems: A systematic review of the state of the art literature and suggestions for future research

F Alyari, N Jafari Navimipour - Kybernetes, 2018 -
Purpose This paper aims to identify, evaluate and integrate the findings of all relevant and
high-quality individual studies addressing one or more research questions about …

Capital accumulation, private property, and rising inequality in China, 1978–2015

T Piketty, L Yang, G Zucman - American Economic Review, 2019 -
We combine national accounts, surveys, and new tax data to study the accumulation and
distribution of income and wealth in China from 1978 to 2015. The national wealth-income …

The end of economic growth? Unintended consequences of a declining population

CI Jones - American Economic Review, 2022 -
In many models, economic growth is driven by people discovering new ideas. These models
typically assume either a constant or growing population. However, in high income countries …

Families in macroeconomics

M Doepke, M Tertilt - Handbook of macroeconomics, 2016 - Elsevier
Much of macroeconomics is concerned with the allocation of physical capital, human capital,
and labor over time and across people. The decisions on savings, education, and labor …

The great housing boom of China

K Chen, Y Wen - American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2017 -
China's housing prices have been growing nearly twice as fast as national income over the
past decade, despite a high vacancy rate and a high rate of return to capital. This paper …

Tertiarization Like China

X Chen, G Pei, Z Song, F Zilibotti - Annual Review of Economics, 2023 -
This article documents a rapid shift toward services (tertiarization) of the Chinese economy
since 2005, as evidenced by the significant increase in both employment and value-added …

Demographic patterns and household saving in China

CC Curtis, S Lugauer, NC Mark - American Economic Journal …, 2015 -
This paper studies how demographic variation affects the aggregate household saving rate.
We focus on China because it is experiencing an historic demographic transition and has …

Growing and slowing down like China

F Zilibotti - Journal of the European Economic Association, 2017 -
This article is based on the presidential address delivered at the EEA Annual Congress
2016. It discusses China's institutional and economic transformation through the lens of the …

The chinese saving rate: Long-term care risks, family insurance, and demographics

A İmrohoroğlu, K Zhao - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
A general equilibrium model that properly captures the risks in old age, the role of family
insurance, changes in demographics, and the productivity growth rate is capable of …

Assessing the impact of the “one-child policy” in China: a synthetic control approach

S Gietel-Basten, X Han, Y Cheng - PLoS one, 2019 -
There is great debate surrounding the demographic impact of China's population control
policies, especially the one-birth restrictions, which ended only recently. We apply an …