A string-wise CRDT algorithm for smart and large-scale collaborative editing systems

X Lv, F He, W Cai, Y Cheng - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2017 - Elsevier
With the development of big data and cloud computing, real-time collaborative editing
systems have to face new challenges. How to support string-wise operations for smart and …

Integrating real-time and non-real-time collaborative programming: Workflow, techniques, and prototypes

Y Ma, B Qi, W Xu, M Wang, B Du, H Fan - Proceedings of the ACM on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Real-time collaborative programming enables a group of programmers to edit shared source
code at the same time, which significantly complements the traditional non-real-time …

Real differences between OT and CRDT in correctness and complexity for consistency maintenance in co-editors

D Sun, C Sun, A Ng, W Cai - Proceedings of the ACM on Human …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
OT (Operational Transformation) was invented for supporting real-time co-editors in the late
1980s and has evolved to become core techniques widely used in today's working co …

Supporting selective undo of string-wise operations for collaborative editing systems

X Lv, F He, W Cai, Y Cheng - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018 - Elsevier
With the advancement of distributed computing systems, an increasing number of
collaborative systems are developed to support real-life collaborative work. As a typical …

Multi-core accelerated CRDT for large-scale and dynamic collaboration

W Cai, F He, X Lv - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022 - Springer
With the advancement of networking technologies and large-scale social computing, multi-
user collaboration is becoming popular. In large-scale and dynamic collaborative …

A semi-transparent selective undo algorithm for multi-user collaborative editors

W Cai, F He, X Lv, Y Cheng - Frontiers of Computer Science, 2021 - Springer
Multi-user collaborative editors are useful computer-aided tools to support human-to-human
collaboration. For multi-user collaborative editors, selective undo is an essential utility …

An optimized RGA supporting selective undo for collaborative text editing systems

X Lv, F He, W Cai, Y Cheng - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019 - Elsevier
Collaboration plays a key role in distributed applications. As a fundamental vehicle for
collaboration, collaborative text editing systems have been an important field within CSCW …

Supporting cross-platform real-time collaborative programming: Architecture, techniques, and prototype system

Y Ma, Z Yang, B Chiu, Y Zhang, J Jiang, B Du… - … and Worksharing: 17th …, 2021 - Springer
Real-time collaborative programming supports a group of programmers to edit shared
source code concurrently across geographically-distributed sites and collaborate in a …

Real differences between OT and CRDT in building co-editing systems and real world applications

D Sun, C Sun, A Ng, W Cai - arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.01517, 2019 - arxiv.org
OT (Operational Transformation) was invented for supporting real-time co-editors in the late
1980s and has evolved to become a core technique used in today's working co-editors and …

A novel dal scheme with shared-locking for semantic conflict prevention in unconstrained real-time collaborative programming

H Fan, H Zhu, Q Liu, Y Shi, C Sun - IEEE Access, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Real-time collaborative programming allows a team of programmers to concurrently edit the
shared source code document at the same time. To support semantic conflict prevention in …