Maintenance of the life cycle of a wide diversity of helminths depends on the aquatic environment. Freshwater turtles are considered one of the main groups in these ecosystems …
This chapter brings together all known polystomes of fish, ie the Australian lungfish, chelonians and mammal, ie the common hippopotamus, namely 67 spp. For each species …
Parasitological studies on the D'Orbigny's slider turtle, Trachemys dorbigni, are punctual. This study characterizes the first occurrence of Nematode for this host, in case, Spiroxys sp …
A survey of the parasites associated with the nesting freshwater turtles Podocnemis lewyana and Trachemys callirostris callirostris revealed the presence of seven Digenea species …
In this study, the metazoan parasites of three species of freshwater turtles (the spiny softshell, Apalone spinifera, the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, and the red …
RESUMO A população de P. geoffroanus da Unidade de Conservação Estadual Monumento Natural Grota do Angico (MNGA)(37 40'W; 09 39'S) foi estudada com relação a …
ME Seidel, CH Ernst - 2012 -
5a. Carapace broad and flared posteriorly; broad cervical scute underlap (5.0% of carapace length); broad gular scutes (anterior width, between left and right gular-humeral seam,> 24 …
The presence of gastrointestinal parasites in gastrointestinal tract of 100 Colombian sliders (Trachemys callirostris) admitted to the Wildlife Care and Assessment Center (CAV) …
Tato bakalářská práce je literární rešerší zabývající se druhovou rozmanitostí monogeneí žijících uvnitř těla svých hostitelů. První část práce je věnována základní charakteristice …