The purpose of this research and development is to obtain empirical findings about the development of Android-based Augmented Reality (AR) and measure the effectiveness of …
The development of technology has a significant impact on education, one of the innovative learning methods that can be applied in the digital era is augmented reality. The topic of …
MA Lilis, MS Noto, I Muhammad - The International Journal of …, 2024 -
This study is driven by the significance of enhancing the mathematical computational thinking (CT) skills among middle-school students. Students with proficient mathematical CT …
JA Sara, Y Danawak - Prosiding Seminar Nasional …, 2021 -
Media pembelajaran merupakan suatu perantara dalam menyalurkan pesan dari guru kepada siswa sehingga tercipta pembelajaran yang efektif. Augmented reality (AR) …
E Nuryana, A Wintarti - MATHEdunesa, 2022 -
In order to create a joyful learning environment, especially during a pandemic that requires learning to be carried out online, an innovation is needed such as the use of interactive …
Definisi media pembelajaran itu sendiri adalah suatu alat yang digunakan sebagai perantara antara guru dan siswa pada saat pembelajaran yang memiliki tujuan untuk …
Some research improves that students find it difficult to learn mathematics and are considered scary. This is influenced by conventional and less interactive learning methods …
WK Mubarok, S Anugrah - Tirtamath: Jurnal Penelitian dan …, 2025 -
The concept of learning media can be understood as a tool used as an intermediary between instructors and students during the learning process. The primary purpose of this …
(1) Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial …