The fundamental value of universal nomenclatural systems in biology is that they enable unambiguous scientific communication. However, the stability of these systems is threatened …
The fundamental value of universal nomenclatural systems in biology, and the key to their success, is that they have enabled unambiguous scientific communication among and …
Following the set of informal proposals by Wright and Gillman (2022) to modify the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN, the Code: Turland et …
Abstract The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants is the document that regulates the nomenclature of taxa belonging to these groups of organisms …
January 6th 2024) whose institutions/origins were in Global South countries (according UN rank of industrial development) were directly contacted for feedback. We received specific …
Фундаментальная ценность универсальных номенклатурных систем в биологии и залог их успеха в том, что они обеспечивают однозначную научную коммуникацию …
January 6th 2024) whose institutions/origins were in Global South countries (according to UN rank system of industrial development) were directly contacted for feedback. We …
La valeur fondamentale des systèmes universels de nomenclature en biologie, et la clé de leur succès, tient à ce qu'ils ont permis une communication scientifique non ambiguë entre …
O valor fundamental dos sistemas nomenclaturais universais em biologia, e a chave do seu sucesso, é o facto de terem permitido uma comunicação científica sem ambiguidades entre …