Both classical and quantum waves can form vortices: entities with helical phase fronts and circulating current densities. These features determine the intrinsic orbital angular …
Over the past several decades, electron and scanning probe microscopes have become critical components of condensed matter physics, materials science and chemistry research …
The recent prediction and subsequent creation of electron vortex beams in a number of laboratories occurred after almost 20 years had elapsed since the recognition of the physical …
Plasmonics, the science and technology of the interaction of light with metallic objects, is fundamentally changing the way we can detect, generate and manipulate light. Although the …
We propose an improved type of holographic-plate suitable for the shaping of electron beams. The plate is fabricated by a focused ion beam on a silicon nitride membrane and …
We study the transfer of orbital angular momentum between vortex electron beams and chiral samples, such as staircase plasmonic nanostructures and biomolecules. Inelastic …
The interaction between free electrons and optical near fields is attracting increasing attention as a way to manipulate the electron wave function in space, time, and energy …
Rapid development of magnetic nanotechnologies calls for experimental techniques capable of providing magnetic information with subnanometre spatial resolution. Available …
Free electrons can efficiently absorb or emit plasmons excited in a thin conductor, giving rise to multiple energy peaks in the transmitted electron spectra separated by multiples of the …