BI Levy - PANDION: The Osprey Journal of Research and …, 2023 -
This study examines the Sephardic-Mizrahi nationalist strategy in the British and French mandates of the early 20th century. Scholars including Abigail Jacobson, Moshe Naor, and …
Critically, I acknowledge Professor Debbie Lisle for her fantastic supervisory support. Her exceptional knowledge, commitment and belief in my research have been phenomenal-I …
K vähemmistön kokemuksista Israelissa, M Issa -
Tutkin Israelissa asuvan kristityn vähemmistön kokemuksia rinnakkaiselosta Haifassa. Pyrin selvittämään, miten konfliktien keskellä sijaitsevassa maassa voidaan paikallisella tasolla …