MM Spalevic - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2014 - SIAM
We study the error of Gauss--Turán quadrature formulae when functions which are analytic on a neighborhood of the set of integration are considered. A computable upper bound of …
We present a method based on the Chakalov–Popoviciu quadrature formula of Lobatto type, a rather general case of quadrature with multiple nodes, for approximating integrals defined …
We continue with analyzing quadrature formulas of high degree of precision for computing the Fourier coefficients in expansions of functions with respect to a system of orthogonal …
GV Milovanović - Bulletin (Académie serbe des sciences et des arts …, 2013 - JSTOR
This survey on quadrature processes and their applications is an extended version of my public lecture given in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts under the same title and it …
The paper deals with new contributions to the theory of the Gauss quadrature formulas with multiple nodes that are published after 2001, including numerical construction, error …
This paper is concerned with bounds on the remainder term of the Gauss–Turán quadrature formula, whereUn− 1 denotes the (n− 1) th degree Chebyshev polynomial of the second …
M Masjed-Jamei, I Area - International Journal of Computer …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
It is well-known that the remaining term of an-point Gaussian quadrature depends on the 2 n- order derivative of the integrand function. Discounting the fact that calculating a 2 n-order …
This note is concerned with estimates for the remainder term of the Gauss–Turán quadrature formula, where w (t)=(Un-1 (t)/n) 21-t2 is the Gori–Michelli weight function, with Un-1 (t) …
Numerical integration refers to the procedure of approximating a definite integral of a given function. The n-point quadrature formula (qf) is utilized in this context, employing a positive …