AD Redish - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016 -
When rats come to a decision point, they sometimes pause and look back and forth as if deliberating over the choice; at other times, they proceed as if they have already made their …
How do our brains determine whether something is good or bad? How is this computational goal implemented in biological systems? Given the critical importance of valence processing …
Orchestrating appropriate behavioral responses in the face of competing signals that predict either rewards or threats in the environment is crucial for survival. The basolateral nucleus of …
INTRODUCTION Affective or metabolic states, such as anxiety, stress, or thirst, enable adaptations of perception and the selection of appropriate behaviors to achieve safety or …
Based on recent molecular genetics, as well as functional and quantitative anatomical studies, the basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic projections, once viewed as a diffuse system …
We propose a new conceptual framework (computational validity) for translation across species and populations based on the computational similarity between the information …
Survival depends on a balance between seeking rewards and avoiding potential threats, but the neural circuits that regulate this motivational conflict remain largely unknown. Using an …
The explore-exploit dilemma refers to the challenge of deciding when to forego immediate rewards and explore new opportunities that could lead to greater rewards in the future …
Motivated behaviors are often studied in isolation to assess labeled lines of neural connections underlying innate actions. However, in nature, multiple systems compete for …