A meta-analysis of humble leadership: reviewing individual, team, and organizational outcomes of leader humility

JA Chandler, NE Johnson, SL Jordan, JC Short - The Leadership Quarterly, 2023 - Elsevier
Humility is a concept grounded in a self-view that something greater than oneself exists. A
multitude of disciplines to date have sought to understand how humility impacts leaders, as …

Servant leadership, exemplary followership, and organizational trust: A quantitative correlational study in performing arts organizations

CD McAuley - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Nonprofit board members can display a range of leader and follower characteristics when
serving in successful organizations. The focus of this research included a strategic look at a …

Vision of Organizational Sociability Components based on Servant Leadership Traits (Case Study; Youth and Sports Department of West Azarbaijan Province)

B Ahadi, MH Seyyed Ameri… - Applied Research in …, 2019 - arsmb.journals.pnu.ac.ir
The aim of this study was to anticipate the vision of organizational sociability components
based on servant leadership traits in staff of youth and sports department of West Azarbaijan …

[图书][B] Identifying servant leadership characteristics in a military setting

JJ Myers - 2017 - search.proquest.com
To address gaps in current knowledge, researchers need to recognize the problem at the
foundational level of servant leadership theory, which was concept clarity. The areas of …

Servant leadership and its impact on classroom climate and student achievement

DF Mulligan - 2016 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this quantitative research was to see to what degree a relationship existed
between servant leadership, classroom climate, and student achievement in a collegiate …

Samskipti í grunnskólum:" Að vera þessi fyrirmynd fyrir krakkana út í lífið..."

S Guðmundsdóttir - skemman.is
Samskipti eru lykilþáttur í lífi hvers manns og í nútímasamfélagi eru gerðar æ meiri kröfur um
samskiptahæfni einstaklinga. Mikilvægt er því að þjálfa með börnum og ungmennum jákvæð …

Test the Moderating and Mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between servant leadership and employees performance (an analytical research of …

مصطفى حتوان رحيمة, محمد عبد احمد - Journal of Techniques, 2020‎ - journal.mtu.edu.iq
This research aims to study the expected role of organizational culture between the servant
leadership in its dimensions (Standing Back, Forgiveness, and Authenticity) and the …

چشم‏ انداز مؤلفه‌های جامعه‌پذیری سازمانی براساس تبیین ویژگی‏ های رهبری خدمتگزار (مطالعه موردی؛ اداره کل ورزش و جوانان استان آذربایجان غربی)

احدی, سیدعامری, میرحسن, رسول آذر… - فصلنامه علمی پژوهشهای …, 2019‎ - journals.pnu.ac.ir
هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی چشم‌انداز مؤلفه‌های جامعه‌پذیری سازمانی براساس تبیین ویژگی‏ های
رهبری خدمتگزار در کارکنان اداره کل ورزش و جوانان استان آذربایجان غربی بود. روش تحقیق مورد …

Employees' Perceived Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment within an Academic Health Science Center

C Bellamy - 2019 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this quantitative correlational research was to determine to what extent
employee-perceived servant leadership behaviors, including interpersonal support, building …

Viðhorf starfsfólks í velferðarþjónustu til starfsumhverfis, forystu og stjórnunar

EÓ Sigurðardóttir - skemman.is
Starfsumhverfi í velferðarþjónustu skiptir miklu máli og fyrri rannsóknir benda til þess að gott
starfsumhverfi getið aukið starfsánægju, gæði þjónustu og haft jákvæð áhrif á árangur …