Due to space limitations, I refrain from doing a literature review on the subject and instead refer to Woldersgaard (2017) and Brala-Vukanović & Memišević (2014), who provide fine …
FM Elieba - Beni-Suef University International Journal of …, 2020 - buijhs.journals.ekb.eg
AbstractCognitive Semantics is a sub-field from linguistics. It is relatively a modern linguistic approach that emerged during the 1970s. The term Cognition represents the process of …
U suvremenome svijetu gotovo je nemoguće biti znanstvenik a ne objavljivati na engleskome jeziku. Većina znanstvenika služi se engleskim jezikom i nema problema pri …
This paper presents an analysis of English motion verbs in the specialized field of adventure tourism and proposes a terminological description of these verbs from a lexicosemantic …
This paper presents an analysis of English motion verbs in the specialized field of adventure tourism and proposes a terminological description of these verbs from a lexico-semantic …
Structura tezei. Prezenta cercetare cuprinde adnotări în limbile română, engleză, rusă; lista abrevierilor; introducere; trei capitole; concluzii generale și recomandări; bibliografie din …
Prepositions are 'small words' used to describe the relationship between other entities indicated by other words in a sentence. Well-known by their linking functions, prepositions …