Background This research examines the nuanced challenges confronting Chinese university students within the dynamic milieu of Chinese education. The study …
This study illuminates the complex relationship between cultural orientation towards collectivism, emotional regulation skills, cognitive reappraisal ability, sports engagement …
Studying while being an elite athlete is a demanding challenge that student-athletes (SAs) try to meet. Each role, student and athlete, comes with demands that are likely to alter their …
The recruitment of international student-athletes (ISAs) to participate in intercollegiate athletics in the US has increased exponentially since the 1980s. As ISAs leave their home …
Faire des études tout en étant athlète de haut niveau est un défi exigeant que tentent de relever les étudiant· es-athlètes (EA). Les rôles d'étudiant· e et d'athlète sont chacun …